This study, a collaboration between FEWS NET and FSNAU (Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit - Somalia), summarizes that the actual number of people lost in the 2011-2012 drought was higher than the 1992 drought & famine in the region. That being said the 1992 famine is considered more sever because a larger percentage of the population died.
To oversimplify? To me, this means that in the last 20 years - no matter how challenging and complicated the circumstances have become - we've:
1. learned from the past
2. embraced our world neighbors in a more significant way
I'm so glad we came together to do a little something about it!
May 2013 update in the region...
Famine Early Warning Systems Network
12.9 million people remain in Stressed, Crisis and Emergency areas as determined by FEWS NET.
Improvement from December 2012 estimated 14.9 million.
The link above has more detail.